Sunday, April 13, 2008

Staging: The surreal moments "is this really happening?"

I have arrived! It has been a long day of travel, but I finally made it! To Miami, that is. I am at my staging in Miami, where we train for two days and take care of logistics. I suppose that I will really feel like I am joining the Peace Corps when we finally all meet up tomorrow for our first time. Maybe by that time, we won't be in shock, but I doubt it. I think that day won't come until we are each settled at our sites in Panama, some three months from now. But until then, we will just keep trying to grasp and hold on to those few things that make us feel like we really have set out on this adventure and that no matter how hard we blink, it will still be happening. But I made it and was welcomed into Miami on a shuttle bus full of a family on a classic Griswold vacation, who each gave me hi-fives for being a volunteer. And then went out to a great Miami dinner of seafood with a live latino band with the baseball game playing behind them on a big screen while drinking a beer (presidente to be exact). Bienvenidos!!!

Here is a journal entry that I wrote earlier today on the plane. I think I was in shock.

Today is the day where it all begins, where my life begins to change as I leave for this fateful journey. When my alarm went off at 4:30 am this morning, I first thought that I should go back to sleep and was suddenly jolted out of my bed by the reminder that this is a big day. As I fly across the US, I think how immense this country is sand therefore how large our world is. I won't be in this country for a while, but I will soon be representing the US and American citizens. How can I, just a small girl from the northwest represent all of this? I will do my best though. I really have no idea what will take place in the next few years, no tangeable thoughts to give me stability and security. All I can do is sit on this plane with an open mind and heart, excited for what lies ahead. I am currently in shock though and can hardly believe this is happening. but I am excited and truly believe this is what I want to be doing right now. So I will go in with a positive outlook as I depart on these adventures of Peace Corps in Panama.